Membership Dues

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Join Us. We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose dues are tax deductible as allowed by law. Your annual membership dues go toward scholarships, awards, student support and alumni services.

1. Your Information

Membership Amount
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Contact Phone No.
Cell Phone
E-Mail (Confirm)

2. Additional Contribution

Donation Amount
OPTIONAL-Comment/Specify use for donation
Name While Attending
Year Graduated/Attended
Current Occupation
Currently Employed With
Your Website Address
Your Facebook Address
I preferred to be contact by
  Email      Phone      Mail    
Yes, Please include me in future communication about HS of A&D Activities

3. Make Payment

Note: All donations are designated as unrestricted fund.
To pay by check, mail your check with membership form to: Art and Design Alumni Association, Inc, PO Box 303, FDR Station, NYC NY 10022-9998